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澳大利亚H2S lvl i joist

轻型 LVL 托梁由澳大利亚 H2S LARCH LVL、WEB 和酚醛胶组合而成。 LARCH LVL 是一种高度工程化的木制品,由木饰面制成。这些层互锁并粘合在一起,形成坚固而轻便的梁,具有的机械性能。


LVL I-JOSIT 是欢迎的产品之一结构木材产品 在澳大利亚,被设计成和的产品之一。 LVL I 梁经过精心设计,可为木结构提供强度,确保由其建造的建筑物和其他结构能够经受住时间的考验和大自然的狂暴。


The Wood I Beam Joists are made from a combination of Australia H2S LARCH LVL, OSB WEB, and phenolic glue. LARCH LVL is a highly engineered wood product, made from wood veneers. These layers are inter-locked and bonded together into a strong but lightweight beam with outstanding mechanical properties. OSB WEB is an extra layer of sheets which are inter-locked and bonded using phenolic glue, which further increases the strength and stability of the timber product. The combination of these high-performance materials creates a unique and versatile product suitable for a variety of applications.




– 60 x 220 (12m)
– 60 x 240 (12m)
– 60 x 300 (12m)
– 60 x 360 (12m)

– 89 x 240 (12m)
– 89 x 300 (12m)
– 89 x 360 (12m)

LVL I Joist, LVL I Beam, I Beam Joist Prices, Wood I Beam Joists



LVL I Joist, LVL I Beam, I Beam Joist Prices, Wood I Beam Joists


LVL I-JOSIT 产品已根据 AS/NZS 4063.1、4063.2、4063.3 和 4063.4 钢中规定的标准进行测试。这些测试确定了用于结构应用的木材产品所需的和性能水平。该测试确认产品符合相关标准,并为木材产品的结构完整性提供。


 Wood I Beam Joists is an excellent choice for any timber application requiring engineering performance and durability. The product is made from a combination of Australia H2S LARCH LVL, OSB WEB and phenolic glue, creating a unique and highly durable timber product. This I Beam Joist has been tested to the required AS/NZS standards and provides a superior level of structural performance that is trusted and widely used across Australia. For detailed information about I Beam Joist Prices, please feel free to 联系我们
